Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The HHC Top 10 Project

From now until Halloween (and beyond!), will be posting Top 10 lists from dark Chicago-area and haunted house industry movers and shakers, starting with the lovely and very talented Chrystyne!

Chrystyne is a local Chicago model, artist and bon vivant. She is Director of the Annual Halloween Art Exhibit and, believe it or not, the poster-monster for The Fear Haunted House at Navy Pier!

"A large part of me will always associate Halloween with my childhood, so most of my choices are comical or light-hearted in nature. For this reason, I chose to leave out films that are more artsy/scary (i.e. The Legend of Hell House and The Shining)."

  1. The Mad Monster Party. Rankin Bass + monsters + Boris Karloff= a no brainer #1.
  2. Abbott & Costello Meet Frankenstein. A favorite in the "stepfather father & daughter" movie night repertoire--especially around Halloween. Fond memories :)
  3. The Rocky Horror Picture Show. The perfect Halloween party movie--it's one of those films that gets people going. Push play, sit back, and watch what happens! 9 times out of 10 you will hear a confession from a guest that he/she was a cast member at one point. This generally leads to some "war stories," that will liven up any gathering.
  4. It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown. How could I NOT include this?!
  5. The Bride of Frankenstein. Yet another movie night favorite for my stepfather and I. After he introduced me to this film in the late 80s, I used to pretend I was Elsa. I actually used to practice The Bride's signature twitch in my room!
  6. Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory. Dark, sweet, and sticky--just like my favorite Halloween candies. Mmmmm-mmm!
  7. Elvira-Mistress of the Dark. I was thrilled that my folks let me watch this when I was a kid. I wasn't allowed to watch R movies, so it was a BIG deal. During the "tassel" scene, my mom told me to cover my eyes, but of course I peeked, LOL. Oh, the strange sensations I felt! The laughter! The shame! The...tantalization! 13 years later, I became a fetish model. Figures.
  8. Labyrinth- This movie is an all-around wet dream and contains the most enchanting masquerade scene EVER! Jareth's ball has the ingredients for a killer Halloween party: majesty, romance, and spectacle. *swoon*
  9. The Haunted Mansion Special Edition DVD ( When I was growing up, the Disney Channel aired specials that explored the creative process behind their animated films, theme parks, and attractions. These segments were some of my after school favorites! Since I knew I wanted to pursue a career in the arts, it was inspirational to look into the world of the Imaganeers and see how they brought things to life. "The Haunted Mansion Special Edition" DVD is in the same vein and includes exclusive interviews, footage, and snapshots. Although it's not a movie, I had to list it because it is so damned interesting.
  10. The Worst Witch. A cheesy 80s classic that stars two of my favorite actors- Tim Curry and Fairuza Balk! Be sure to look up "Anything Can Happen on Halloween" on YouTube and prepare to be enchanted. All that's missing is a unicorn and a chick in fishnets walking through sparks.

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